Friday and Saturday, Nov. 4 & 5, the festival is scheduled from 9AM-4PM at the Mississippi Industrial Heritage Museum’s historic Soule Steam Feed Works, 1808 Fourth St., in downtown Meridian.
Admission is $10, adults; free for students and children. On Saturday, admission for students and children is $5.
Saturday’s event is held in conjunction with RailFest 2022, which is scheduled from 8AM-4PM, at the Railroad Museum, located next to Singing Brakeman Park in downtown Meridian.
The museum features an impressive collection of portable and stationary steam engines which will operate using “live steam.” Live steam uses steam pressure to operate the engines instead of compressed air or mechanical motors to simulate their operation. During the two-day festival, detailed model steam engines will be steaming up.
There also will be a wide variety of informative and entertaining industrial/craftsman demonstrations, including: molten iron pouring and the foundry process by Clark Easterling of Windy Hill Foundry in Morton; looming by Meridian resident Nancy Landrum; a demonstration on how belt-driven equipment operates by Industrial Technology students at Meridian Community College; and the Soule’ Forge will present blacksmithing demonstrations.
Photos courtesy of Mississippi Industrial Heritage Museum and story courtesy of the City of Meridian