Meridian, Lauderdale County Business Community Multiple companies have reported this happening... The SCHEME … A check made payable to the company is stolen from the mail. One location it appears to be occurring is at the downtown post office. The thief goes to the Alabama Secretary of State and registers a similar name. The thief then takes the Alabama Certificate of Formation to a bank and opens a checking account in Alabama. The thief deposits the stolen check into the false account. The thief wires the money out of the account and is never seen again. These actions have been reported to the United States Postal Inspector and the FBI. We encourage you to go to the Alabama Secretary of State's website and search for names similar to your company name. Here is a link to that website: https://arc-sos.state.al.us/CGI/CORPNAME.MBR/INPUT The scammers are using variations of the target's names. For instance, if the East Mississippi Business Development Corporation was a target, I would search: East Miss … East Mississippi … East Business … Mississippi Business Development