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MPD to join North Hills Manor residents for National Night Out October 4th.

Meridian Police Department will join in North Hills Manor Apartment's
annual observance of National Night Out on Tuesday, Oct. 4, from 4-6

This is the apartment complex's 10th year to participate in the annual
community-building campaign that promotes police/community partner-
ships and neighborhood camaraderie.
"The main focus is to celebrate police, and build a better relationship
between communities and law enforcement, the apartment complex's
social services coordinator Sarah Simmons said.

Games (Go Fish, Goodie Walk), gifts, healthy life information and priz-
es will be among the day's offerings. There also will be grilled hamburg-
ers, hotdogs, chips, cookies and beverages.

The Meridian Police Department will join in the festivities

"We participated last year and really enjoyed playing with the kids and
getting to know the residents," MPD Chief Deborah Young said. "The
officers did sack races and played football with the kids
_ they (officers) cheated a little bit. but it was all in fun."

In addition to fun and camaraderie, Young said National Night Out of-
fers the police department the opportunity to address residents' con-

"We will be there to listen to their concerns, complaints and recommen-
dations for the apartment complex as well as the city." she said. "And
it's also a great way to introduce ourselves to the residents.



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