Annual police benevolent association golf tournament Friday
The greens at Lakeview Golf Course’s will temporarily go blue Friday with teams of golfers competing at the Meridian Police Benevolent Association’s 28th annual Four-Person Scramble.
The annual fundraiser will get under way with a Shotgun Start at 9 a.m. at the greens, which are located at 2633 Lakeview Golf Course Road. The entry fee (which includes green fees, cart, food, beverages and prizes) is $45 per person; $180 per team.
Prizes will be awarded for first through third place. According to Michelle Joyner, coordinator, the field will be flighted based on 19 or more team entries. Two drawings will be held: longest drive and closest to the pin (two holes).
Proceeds from the event will go to the Meridian Police Benevolent Association, an organization of current and former police officers, civilian employees, retired officers and police department employees. Funds are used for a variety of programs and causes.
“Proceeds are used for Christmas With a Cop, sponsoring baseball and softball teams, purchasing fruit baskets for the elderly and providing scholarships for members’ children,” Joyner said.
“We’ve also used proceeds to purchase appliances for the police station’s lounge, purchase gym equipment, purchase badges for sworn officers when they are promoted, sponsor members’ kids in youth sports, support our police camp located in Russell, for retirement parties and Christmas dinners and unexpected emergencies.”
For more information about the Four-Person Scramble, contact Joyer at 601-484-6811 or michellejoyer@meridianms.org
