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Meridian Railfest 2022!

When and where is it?

Saturday, Nov. 5, from 8 a.m.-4 p.m., at the Meridian Railroad Museum, located next to Singing Brakeman Park in Downtown Meridian. The Meridian Rails Historical Society is host.

Admission is free, donations will go toward the establishment of a major railroad museum in Meridian, as well as restoration of railroad equipment in the city.

It has hands-on experiences for kids, ride-on trains, static display equipment and locomotives, model railroad and antique vendors and more are among features of Railfest 2022.

What is the Meridian Rails Historical Society?

Meridian Rails Historical Society was founded in 2020 with a mission to KeepTheirStories and the history of Meridian, Mississippi, alive. The organization’s main mission is to create a well-established railroad museum, complete with a children's area, excursion train opportunities, model railroading classes and much more! In addition to the museum, our organization also strives to ensure the preservation and restoration of any railroad equipment relevant to Meridian's history.

For more information on how to get involved and support Meridian Rails Historical Society’s cause, visit

Photo and story courtesy of the City of Meridian



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