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Lauderdale County Sample Ballot for November 8th General Election

Frequently asked ballot questions:

  1. Why is there a write-in space? By law, the write-in space has always been listed in every elections, with any type voting device, ex: candidate passes away, or becomes disqualified, etc.

  2. If any name is put in the write-in space for fun, will it count? NO

  3. Can you skip anything on the ballot and my ballot still count? Yes, but we hope you will vote your entire ballot

  4. Do unopposed candidate’s need my vote? Unopposed candidates would always appreciate your vote

  5. What does non-partisan mean? Judicial Judges and school board do not run by “party”

  6. Do we need our voter registration card to vote? No, BUT it often helps the poll worker with names & the voter know the correct precinct location as some voters have two different locations

  7. Is voter I-D required in Mississippi? Yes. Most have a driver’s license, or state issued ID, military ID, gun permit ID, School ID, and any government issued ID is acceptable

  8. Is out of state driver’s license acceptable? Yes

  9. If driver’s’ license has expired is it acceptable? Yes, as long as the expiration date is not beyond ten years.

  10. What type election is this year? This is our federal year, often referred to as mid-term with Congress, Judicial Judges, two county school boards.

  11. Does everyone vote on country school board? Only if you are in those districts, 1 & 2, which is reflected on your voter registration card.

  12. What is helpful on the voter registration card? Your County precinct location, City Ward precinct if you are inside the city limits, Senate & House, Supervisor & Election Commissioner, Justice Court & Constable & county schoolboard districts, as they all have their own boundary & district lines

  13. What is next year 2023? That will be our Countywide/Statewide from Governor to Constable

  14. When is the next presidential federal cycle? 2024

Questions, contact the Lauderdale County Circuit Clerk Office at 601 482-9731



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