Friday the 13th struck this morning at the Lauderdale County Tax Collectors Office! Doris Spidle and her team walked into a flooded office which had one to two inches, crews are currently working to remove the water. The office will be closed until further , the computers and ceiling had major damage.
The damage was caused from a bathroom above in Judge Premo's office, again the office will be closed until further notice.
If you need to renew your tag, pay property tax, garbage fees or anything of that nature you may go online at,1,VqsOSIWx_ig07SfP1MAm017yIxqLbO5E3P-Fpl2mFC5r81KKHItIIemPX5N3-qF2pY3fB11B2GLeNQ0axblDbbgpfZanrH4u1kZhl82Qk1t94lktaA,,&typo=1
and pay with a credit card. You can put your payment via check in a dropbox outside the office. You may also mail your payments. Once the office opens they will process your payments without a penalty. At this time we are unable to give you a definite time for reopening. Please check back with our office next week. So sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Lauderdale tax Collector