Keith McCary- Retired Asst. Chief Meridian Ms PD and state president of the Mississippi State Lodge of the Fraternal order of Police.
Fox News had Keith McCary up early Saturday morning for an interview on the loss of life in the line of duty.
Law enforcement officers continue to be assaulted and killed across this country at an alarming rate. We have had 2 officers in Mississippi this year due to gunfire on domestic dispute calls. We have cultures that don’t respect authority and the sanctity of life. We need to revamp our criminal justice system to remove those that continue to violate our laws and remove them from society so we can work on breaking the cycle of children being raised by a culture of disorder. Doing what they want with no serious consequences for their actions until they have been through the system several times. Just think about how our country has grown in population but our criminal justice system has not kept up. We need to invest in more jails to hold, prosecutors and judges to hear cases and crime labs to be able to process evidence so we can have a speedy trial and on top of that, pay police officers for being there day in and day out a wage so they too can take care of their families as they go out that door every day not knowing if it’s their last . Have you noticed that it’s getting harder to find good officers to serve as ever before. Shortages all over the country . When an agency is understaffed it leads to less training time which results in errors in investigations and arrest which sometimes leads in criminals that go free that should be removed through society so that you and I can go for a safe walk in the park or shopping in our cities . It’s not an easy fix as you see. It’s got to start with our law makers to put the tough laws on the books, prosecutors to ensure that they prosecute to the fullest extent the repeat offenders and the courts to remove them from society. Let me leave you with this thought. Just look at the culture that resides in an armed forces controlled base. Clean neighborhoods, people that respect each other and very little crime and the people are very diverse on the bases. They present order and compliance with rules for a safe neighborhood . Wouldn’t you love it if the neighborhoods outside that wall could compare to that.
Officers need to be paid and appreciate for the work they do daily to ensure that the front line is covered to protect all citizens daily . I hope I never see the day that there’s no one to respond to help us in our time of need. Always support law enforcement. They are there to serve due to a special calling …. Would you want to serve ? Let’s take care of those that do.