East Central Community College- Delayed until 10:00 AM Tuesday ...Campus opens 10 a.m. Virtual learning until 1 p.m
Patrician Academy- closed Today .
Demopolis City Schools- Remote Learning Day Today.
Sumter County School District- Virtual Learning Today
JumpStart Coffee- Closed Today.
Kemper Academy - Delayed Start 10 am
Choctaw County Public Schools (Alabama )- Virtual Learning Day .
Lauderdale County Schools- The LCSD continues to monitor the current weather and road conditions. We will remain in contact with MEMA, County Road Officials, and our electrical producing partners throughout the night to monitor school for Tuesday. As for now, LCSD plans to operate as normal with bus delays expected. Thank you for your patience and support of LCSD.
Kemper County School District- Delayed Start 10 am (Staff 9 am)