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Abrams Charged In Hostage Situation At Landmark Apartments


Updated: Mar 29, 2024

Abrams faces kidnapping charges for Thursday’s hostage incident at LandmarkAapartment Complex 



Meridian police say charges have been filed against a man involved in a hostage incident Thursday at a local apartment complex.


Guy L. Abrams, 41, has been charged with 2 counts of kidnapping for the hostage incident at Landmark Apartments on Thursday, March 28.  He was given no bond. 


Abrams will possibly have additional charges forthcoming, Meridian police said.


MPD Chief Deborah Naylor-Young expressed appreciation for the  assistance of other law enforcement and emergency departments and agencies


“Meridian Police Department would like to thank the Lauderdale County Sheriff’s Office, LEMA, Meridian Fire Department, Metro Ambulance and all others who assisted with the successful outcome of this situation,” Naylor-Young said.





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